Color Mixer

A color mixer, in the context of digital design and graphics software, refers to a tool or feature that allows users to combine different colors to create a new color. The primary purpose of a color mixer is to provide a visual and interactive way for users to choose and experiment with colors for their designs.
Color mixers are commonly found in graphic design software, web design tools, and other applications where precise color selection and customization are essential for creating visually appealing and cohesive designs.


Click on each color to add 10% more of this color. On each click, the new color will be: 90% * (oldColor) + 10% * (ButtonColor)

Color Mixer or Color Blender

A color mixer, in the context of digital design and graphics software, refers to a tool or feature that allows users to combine different colors to create a new color. The primary purpose of a color mixer is to provide a visual and interactive way for users to choose and experiment with colors for their designs.

Here are key aspects and functionalities typically associated with a color mixer:

1. Primary Color Selection:

- Users can typically select primary colors such as red, green, and blue (RGB), or hue, saturation, and lightness (HSL) as a starting point for mixing.

2. Interactive Sliders or Input Fields:

- Sliders or input fields allow users to adjust the intensity or value of each color component (Red, Green, Blue, or Hue, Saturation, Lightness).

3. Real-Time Preview:

- A color mixer provides a real-time preview of the resulting color as users adjust the sliders or input values. This allows users to see the impact of their adjustments immediately.

4. Color Representation:

- The resulting color is often represented in various color models, including RGB, hexadecimal, or HSL, to cater to different preferences and industry standards.

5. Opacity/Alpha Channel:

- Some color mixers include an opacity or alpha channel slider, allowing users to control the transparency or opacity of the resulting color.

6. Color Palette Integration:

- Integration with a color palette is common, allowing users to mix colors within a predefined set of colors or to easily transition between colors in a design.

7. Color Picker:

- Many color mixers include a color picker tool that enables users to select colors from an existing image or design.

8. Presets or Saved Colors:

- Users may have the option to save or apply presets of mixed colors for future use.

9. Color Harmony Suggestions:

- Some advanced color mixers may provide suggestions for color harmonies, ensuring that mixed colors are visually pleasing and harmonious.

10. Accessibility Features:

- A good color mixer may consider accessibility standards, providing features that help users choose colors that meet contrast and readability guidelines.

With the help of this tool: